Friday, February 09, 2007


Glad I got out early (Not rated)
at 116.75 on 2k shares bought below 105.
*follow me and get rich....thousands per day made....
newtraderg from YAHOO message board has been using and claiming ownership of this blogsite to pump and dump stocks. I'm in no way connected to this person.

Here is the link to his/her message


Anonymous said...

what a douche bag.

keep up the good work mc


Anonymous said...

Fear not, MA was a screaming disaster and more than this fool will be looking for someone to blame. I left a few behind myself.

Over ONE TRILLION lost in one day, wow! That's real money.

Your blog is very good to learn from and my mistakes are my own, as always.

Have a good weekend.

MC said...

@Dan - your are right about that. Thanks for your words as always.

@Anonymous - Enjoy your week-end too.

Anonymous said...

You're going down you asshat.. We are going to expose your nasty ways and your fake trades. Consider that yahoo post the first shot of a long war.. Man up boy.

Adrian said...

That second anon is precious! If he couldn't spell then I'd be sure it was yet another loony, deranged with envy and dreaming of escaping his mother's basement and his Mc Job. But he even spelled "you're" properly. Now I can't tell if he's a parody or not.

Clearly profitable, helpful people are nasty. Ignorance is strength.


Anonymous said...

"Man up boy"?

You with NAMBLA, anon?

FWIW, Pinoy, I reported that "newtraderg" tool to Yahoo...

Anonymous said...

You should just disable anonymous comments to prevent retards like that anonymous person from posting crap like that in your comments.

MC said...

Thanks everybody for you support.

Anonymous said...

the imposter is cramer. he's jealous that you can trade only price/volume and he has to read every news release/analyst report/listen to every co. conference call/know everything about everything.

Anonymous said...

I hope you continue posting your day trades like you were doing.

Anonymous said...

We miss you MC. PLease keep blogging.

Alex G.