Monday, March 05, 2007

Daily Journal 3/5

***edited 9:59 am***
The gap down today brought many of the former leading stocks into major support areas which could lead to more choppy actions/steep reversal in the near future. I'm starting to cover some of my short positions and close the majority of my PUTS option trades to lock in gains and move quickly to cash position.


Anonymous said...

It seems like you stopped posting your trades completely. You should just let us know if it was to much trouble instead of making excuses. I liked your blog but it isn't like it used to be.


Anonymous said...

I read your journal often, there is much to learn from watching your observations and methods. I am not using it to trade daily, but as a learning tool from a very alert trader. People should understand that this is YOUR blog for your use. Thank you for all your efforts. They are much appreciated.

MC said...


Thank you for your appreciation of my blog. Hope that it helps you in your trading.


There are more important things than trading and family. My apologies if I have not been posting charts as I used to but you can always go back to the old post and check the charts. I keep trading the same set-ups so you are not missing any new trade setup.